A poem for my clients.

Thank you, You, Me, Universe!

Princess Gaia
2 min readJan 10, 2022
Photo by Andri Wyss on Unsplash

To each one of you.

I must admit, I would love to create a change of mind about what it means to be therapist or client. Being therapist means not hard work — it rather is comparable to a beautiful walk on a sunny day. Being client means not surrendering into passiveness — it rather is like actively climbing up a steep mountain towards the unknown.


You perceive

what is going on within

and outside of you.

You become aware

that something

is in imbalance.

You accept your confusion.

You ask questions to your inner voices.

You listen to the answers that come.

You research for solutions.

You somehow come across my name.

You take all courage, visit me and give it a try.

You open to me (as well as to yourself).

You have faith in the path we choose to walk together.

You surrender to my hands, my words, my energy.




Princess Gaia

Fall in love with our planet and enjoy the writings of a storytelling therapist — www.julia-hayden.de (aka Princess Gaia - www.princess-gaia.com).