Member-only story
Gaia’s visit.
A cake — and answers to the Letter from me.
“The cake is great, child” Gaia said, “as always.” She smiled at me, as I was impatiently waiting for her answers. Still with a slight feeling of sadness, I was happy about her company.
She kept silent. It seemed as if she chewed forever. Maybe my letter had not reached her, were my thoughts. But before I could even form the words to ask the question I heard her say in silence, “Yes. I have read it.”
She cut herself another piece of the cake. “I am hungry,” were her only words and after a while of joyfully chewing she added in a soft voice, “and I am excited.”
“How is your son?” This question made me smile. Thanks to mobile devices, we had spoken and everything was good. “Fine.” I answered. “Yes.” Was what she replied. “All is fine.”
“What about your lectures and workshops?” was her next question. And again I smiled. Thanks to literally a whole world, in which every country had closed their borders, I was not alone with that challenge. Conferences have been postponed and thanks to technology, we could share our information around the globe as online presentations. “No problem.” I heard my own answer, followed by hers, “All is fine.”
“And your clients?” She then asked. Actually, I had thought about them just a moment ago…