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Princess Gaia (PG) “interviews”: The Ego and the True Self
PG: Good Morning, Ego, hello, True Self. Wonderful to have you here today. For everyone, who does not know, who you are, please introduce yourselves to the readers.
EGO: Anyone, who does NOT know me? Well, Princess, if anyone would not know who I am, this would confuse me. First and foremost, I am the real identity of everyone — be it a soul, a creature, a human being. I am, who you are in looks, intelligence and mind-set. But at the most, I am your survival mechanism, which means. If there was no me, there would not be you. Your underlying fears, your search for safety and security, your need for control, your quest for power. Are me, the Ego. And I am the one, that gives you permission to have pleasure, get affection and be recognized by others. I am defined by what you value — soul, creature, human — as a society or culture.
TRUE SELF: Well, Princess, it is a little difficult to put into words, who I am. I have the feeling, that you, humankind, when you developed language, you hardly invented words, which could describe me, because you did not know much about my existence in these days. However, one thing I can say, telling you about myself, is that I am connected with all creation, all existence, in a way most are unaware of. I like to call myself “unity consciousness”, because it creates a sense of being…