Member-only story
The more we know the less we know.
The smaller we act, the greater we act.
The more we know the less we know.
We have many friends and know many people. We have many interests and hobbies, we bathe in the era of knowledge and skills, we try out as much as we can of everything there is and want to visit any country and learn about every culture. And even those of us, who have no money or time to actively live this richness of impulses from everywhere, can at least read, listen and watch it all — as we have internet and the access to mobile devices outnumbers the access to fresh water.
But the more friends we have or people we know, the less we appreciate each one of our friends and the less we know any of them profoundly. And the more hobbies we try out or the more skills we strive to achieve or even the more we travel, learn and see, the less humble or grateful we get with each new moment we are gifted with. And at the same time we gain loads of new skills and knowledge on a daily base, we lose focus, clarity, interest and gratefulness in and about the activities we are kind of bound to such as our families or our jobs.
We are not only striving for the whole cake, we want all cakes there are.